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Auto update

It allows developers to use capacitor-updater with auto-update mode link to Capgo channel or equivalent.


The only, thing you need to do before using Capgo auto-update is using for your app versioning.

This is the convention it used to manage versions. This convention should be used in 3 files in your project:

  • package.json in version
  • android/app/build.gradle in versionName
  • ios/App/App.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION


Setup your app in 5 mins

Update your capacitor apps seamlessly using capacitor updater

Setup your CI in 5 mins

Automatic build and release with GitHub actions


Terminal window
npm install @capgo/capacitor-updater
npx cap sync


Click on register to create your account if you don’t have one.

The server allows you to manage channels and versions and much more.

autoUpdate will use data from capacitor.config to identify into the Capgo server

ℹ️ You can use Capgo Cloud without sending your code to our server. If that is not allowed by your company.

Validate version

When auto-update is set up you have to send a signal from JS that your app is alive

This can be done by calling within your app notifyAppReady.

Do it as soon as possible.

import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'

User flow

  • When the User opens the app, it calls the server to check for updates, if found it is downloaded in the background.
  • When the user leaves the app, the new version is set as active
  • When the user opens again, he sees the new app
    • If notifyAppReady() is called, when the user leaves, the past version is deleted.
    • If not called, when the user leaves, the version is reset to past one and marked as invalid.
  • User continues normal flow until the next update process.

Dev flow

When you develop new features, be sure to block autoUpdate, otherwise you will not see your work but the updates. Set autoUpdate to false in your config. If you are stuck on an update, you can delete the app and reinstall it. Be sure to set autoUpdate to false in your config before doing that. And then build it again with Xcode or Android studio.

To upload the version at each commit setup CI/CD with this guide

Automatic build and release with GitHub actions

Major Available event

When disableAutoUpdateBreaking is true, you can listen to the event to know when the app refuses to do a major braking update.

import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'
CapacitorUpdater.addListener('majorAvailable', (info: any) => {
console.log('majorAvailable was fired', info.version)