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Channel system

With Capgo and capacitor-updater comes a powerful channel system.

What you can do with channels:

  • Associate devices to channel for development, beta test, or AB testing
  • Use one channel by dev branch and let your team self-assign from the phone to test

You have 3 ways to assign a device to a channel:

  • Make the channel default, each time a new device asks Capgo for an update this one answer
  • Send the deviceId (with getId method) to your backend and send from your backend to Capgo the assign order
  • Make the channel self-assignable (with setChannel method), and let the device subscribe to the channel (with user interaction or not)

{% hint style=“info” %} You can also, for a specific case, assign a device directly to a bundle, for debugging purposes for example. {% endhint %}

Channel options

channel settings

Meaning of each:

  • Disable auto downgrade under native => Don’t send an update if the app’s native version is bigger than the channel one
  • Disable auto upgrade above major => Don’t send an update if the app native version is lower then a Major (1.2.3) from the channel one
  • Disable auto upgrade above minor => Don’t send an update if the app native version is lower then a minor (1.2.3) from the channel one
  • Allow the device to self-assign => Let a device use the setChannel method to this channel
  • IOS => Allow IOS devices to download updates from this channel
  • Android => Allow Android devices to download updates from this channel
  • Allow Emulator => Allow emulator to receive update
  • Allow development build => Allow development build to receive update

Capgo is doing some filtering for you. If you have CI/CD configured to send your version to Google PLAY, Google is running your app each time to 20+ real devices. During the 4 first hours of a new bundle, we block Google data center IP to prevent them from being counted.

Capgo don’t count emulator and dev build in your usage. Keep in mind after the trial you can’t have more than 3% of them, or that will lock your account until you fix it.